This post is inspired by my fellow blogging buddy, Brook.
I have many pet peeves, but these are just a few that I can remember at the moment.
In no particular order:
1. Cold Showers- I grew up with a little brother that could apparently stand the heat of scalding water and so he would turn the water on FULL blast as hot as it would go. So I had many a cold shower in my youth.
2. Tying my shoes- I hate when you take them off at someone's house and then you and your friends are about to leave somewhere and they all have slip-ons and you are stuck squatting down and tying your shoes. It just feels like a waste of time to me. So, my junior year of High School, I bought some Velcro Skechers. Very efficient.
3. This one was inspired by Darrell. When people put quotation marks around words that should not have them. Such as this:
4. Russian Roommates that you can't say "NO" to. So they take full advantage of it and borrow your favorite dress from New York, and wait forever to give it back.
5. People that whine entirely too much.
6. Crocs. I don't care if they are comfortable, they are ugly.
7. When people make unnecessary movement while you're watching a movie or something. My little brother would always be throwing a ball up in the air or something and I could only see it out of the tiny corner of my eye. It drove me nuts.
8. The small marquee at the bottom of the screen when you're watching CNN. Don't they know that EVERYONE reads that rather than listen to what the news caster is saying?
9. Busy Work
10. When people say, "You look tired." haha. I think that's so harsh. You might as well say, "WOW! You look like crap!"
11. WhEn PeOpLe TyPe ThInGs LiKe ThIs. It'S rEtArDeD.
12. People that cut in line. It's totally elementary school, but still annoying.
13. Back Packs with the rollers on the bottom of them. I have enough reasons to trip while walking across campus, I don't need your help.
14. When flip-flops decide to break while you're walking through a store. So you either continue walking without shoes, or look like an idiot trying to scoot your broken flip flop with the bottom of your foot.
15. When people wear leggings to church.
Those are some of my pet peeves. What are your pet peeves?
cold showers=the worst. come to think of it, more than one of your pet peeves involves your younger brother...hmmm...haha
I can totally relate to the broken flip-flops. It stinks even more when you are nowhere near getting done for the day. I have found that sometimes if you can find a rubberband, that works, (although it looks VERY retarded!)
Sooo...I own crocs, and you said you liked them. What does that mean? Can we not be friends anymore? I swear they are cute! I SWEAR it!
Oh, and my pet peeve is when people refuse to answer your questions, i.e. ignoring your calls/messages, emails, etc. Drives me crazy
Haha, I laughed out loud at the croc statement. They are ugly, but yes they are very comfortable and light. :)
Hey girl-- I just discovered this blog of yours and I'm stoked to join your fan club :)
I'm with ya on the shoe tying pet peeve... it makes for really awkward farewells at the end of parties and stuff. It also drives me nuts when people (mostly my family) put something back in the fridge/cupboard with just a tiny bit left in it. Like the milk jug with two swallows left... the cereal box with 7 Cheerios left... the bag of chips with just the little crunched ones at the bottom... you get the idea ;)
Martha, marry me. NOW.
You are the first girl I've ever met who seems to despise crocs as much as I do.
What's your favorite temple?
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