Wednesday, August 13, 2008


While driving through Provo, every now and then you see something sort of weird/strange. Well it is my new goal in life to capture these things, for posterity's sake. Here is a video showing a guy that was uni cycling at an alarming speed down University Parkway. Laura and I couldn't help but LOVE this. So, I pulled my trusty camera out of my purse and shot a quick video.


Amy said...

That's my dare you! Sometimes he let's me ride in the's fantastic.

Christensen family said...


Stephanie said...

I LOVE this! Only in Provo... :)

Michelle said...

HAHA! Funny that you followed him and recorded him.

Unknown said...

i wrote something funny and my internet cut out.
i think i said something along the lines of having pegs on a unicycle. that'd be the best date ever...