Monday, February 25, 2008

Rock Climbing, AGAIN!

Over President's Day weekend, my family and I went rock climbing again. It used to just be something my Dad and brother would always do, but now we've all gotten into it. It is so much fun. And I am very proud to say that I made it to the top more than once this time. I am slowly but surely overcoming my fear of heights :). There was one time, however, that I did not make it to the top. It was a really easy climb (one of the kid ones with numbers and shapes instead of rocks haha) but right when I was about two feet away from the top I panicked and told my sister that I wanted to come down. She told me she wasn't going to let me down and that I had to make it to the top. So I just hung there until she let me down, haha. That was just at the beginning, towards the end I was going up to the top every time on the real climbs, not the kid ones. All in all, it was a pretty fun day with the fam.


Adam said...

Rock climbing is great exercise. I wish I did more of it. That's cool that your whole family is involved.

head chef said...

So does your Mom climb too?

Kyle said...

One time I did rock climbing on a cruise ship. I have to admit that I was a little worried that my hand was going to slip and I would fall to a horrible death on the deck of a luxurious boat. But I'm still alive and well, so I obviously didn't die, and I made it to the top.

Martha said...

No, she doesn't climb. She had some of the lymph nodes from her arms taken out when she had surgery, so she can't do anything that would make her arms tired.

Ashley said...

that's cool...have you ever climbed a real mountain??? how long have you guys been doing this?

Martha said...

No, I have never climbed a real mountain. I think I would freak out :) My brother and Dad have been doing it for a while, but my whole family has been doing it for about 2 months.

Michelle said...

Wow, that is awesome! Did you even make your pregnant sister do it?! Probably...

Martha said...

funny michelle... funny.

kelli said...

That's so cool that you get to go home and hang out with your family so often! I'm jealous. But I'm going home for my birthday at the end of the month, so I get to see my family! Yes!

The Shark said...

I think the technical term for this is "indoor wall climbing." Rock climbing would involve climbing an actual rock face.

Looks like fun though!