Last night, I had a dream that I was on The Bachelor. It was finally my chance to have a date with him, but it was one of those 2 on 1 dates. Anyway, it was going to be with this season's Bachelor, Jake who looks like this:
He took us to K-mart to pick out outfits for him to try on. I know, what a fun date. Hahaha. Anyway, he slicked his hair back and parted it down the middle and for some reason, that made him look like a younger version of this:
He looked super creepy and weird. But I still liked him. So I would just keep my eyes shut while I would kiss him and talk to him. Hahaha, so weird. But so funny.
"would just keep my shut" ? Is that a way to swear without swearing. Like how you say "what the H." ?
Funny dream.
dreams like that are so funny. I had a dream about Jake the bachelor once, except I wasn't there to date him, I was there with my kids, and he was asking advice, like what kind of things he should look for in a wife, and which one of the girls I liked the best. It made me laugh.
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