Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This Thanksgiving I wanted to give a special shout out to my wonderful family. They are an amazing family and I couldn't be happier. I made this video to tell them the reasons why I am thankful for them. Enjoy.

If that doesn't work, just copy and paste this link


Michelle said...

Love it! Thanks Marfey Sue Pumpkin Head. We are thankful for you because you cough up blood, and you stare out the window and watch me kiss my fiance, and because I was your favorite sister for getting married. :)

Isaac and Taniel said...

Oh marf, I watched it again and you made me cry. You are a great sister and I am thankful for you this year!

Christensen family said...

How sweet! We love you!

Laralee and Jake said...

So how come we cant get this to work?

Laralee and Jake said...

What a great video. You had tears come to both of our eyes. Thanks Martha. we love you

Laralee and Jake said...

That sounds funny,"both of our eyes". It is referring to both Jake's and my eyes.