Another crazy week! We have had a fun week with things going on a t the Trail Center! I got to go on exchanges with Sister Atkin, which was so fun because she actually went home this morning so it was fun to spend time with her before she left- she was honorably released... hahah it kind of sounded like she just peaced out. This week is transfers week, but we won't actually hear what is happening until tomorrow. I think I might actually stay with Sister Arnold! AHHH! I had a dream last night that we got transferred though and that I had to be companions with an Elder. I was really mad because I didn't want to have to be surrounded by an Elder all the time hahaha. Anyway, pretty funny.
We have performed in a lot of places this week. We went to a homeless shelter on Friday night and sang there. They loved us! We performed in Gingerbread and then at the mall! hahaha It was so much fun!
Oh, some one that I taught in Millard got baptized on Saturday! That was exciting!!! His wife was baptized just a few weeks after I left and now he came around! How cool! They are excited to go to the temple. How awesome!
I was sick again. Ugh. On Sunday after church when we were coming back to the TC to work I started feeling it. It was awful. I feel a lot better today but I have been pretty sick these last couple of days. It's super annoying. I feel like I have never gotten sick more in my life. But, that happens to a lot of people in Nebraska for some reason. Weird. Also, I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off for most of the time so maybe that has something to do with it. haha.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am SO excited!!! We are not allowed to go out and proselyte, so in the morning we are going to go "gratitude attack" the Senior couples with little notes that we have written for them. Then, we are going to come to the Trail Center and help set up for Thanksgiving, maybe watch some movies, play games, eat dinner- I am making Green Bean Casserole... yummmm... I am excited. It should be a lot of fun! There will be about 60 people there. Oh- this week while I've been sick, Sister Arnold and I made nut cups- Sarah would be so proud of me ahahah. They are so great!
1- Singing at GB
2- Sis. Arnold made muddy buddies for the first time!!!
3- When I was sick, Sister Arnold would blow dry my hair for me. This looks freakishly like the back of someones head haha
4- Sister Atkin and I last night at the testimony meeting for the departing missionaries. I am going to miss her SO much.
Um... this news about Disneyland sounds like the best thing in the WORLD! I wish everyone could come though! That will be so much fun!!!!
When does Laura come back from Italy? I am so jealous. That lucky girl.
This week has been really great and I am excited for this next week. I love Thanksgiving and I can't wait to share with everyone that I meet the thing that I am most grateful for!!! The Restored Gospel!!! What a great thing!
Remember that I am so grateful for all of you and that I love you!!!
Love Always,
Sister Proctor
5- All of the Sisters
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