Thank you for all of the Birthday wishes! What a great year 22 has been! It started off with a bang when we all got to go to the temple on June 16th. What an incredible experience that was. And the cool thing is-- we get to go to the temple on my birthday this year! I'm so excited. It will be super great! Happy Birthday to MATTHEW Christensen (not Clint ;) ) Tomorrow! That is so exciting! Also, I'm glad to hear his thumb is still attached ;) I'm not going to lie, when I first read that email from you Case, I pictured Matthew sitting at the Kitchen counter trying to saw his thumb off with a knife and I was super freaked out hahah. I'm glad he is OK.
What a great week this has been. I am so blessed. Heavenly Father loves us so much.
On Tuesday: We had a great P-day and Sis. Hawkes got everything packed up. Then we got to go out and teach! We had a great lesson with our recent convert Tricia and our Ward Missionary, Sister Stetser. It was GREAT! Sister Hawkes and I had such a great time reminiscing about the last 11 months that we have known and loved each other. I am so grateful for her.
Wednesday: We found out our transfer information! Sister Hawkes is getting transferred East---WAY East. I will be staying in Bellevue 2nd and my new companion is Sister Rhoades. She is from Syracuse, Utah. We have been in the same district for the past two transfers. I really like her. She is actually a huge answer to my prayers these last few weeks. She is a phenomenal missionary and I kept telling Heavenly Father that I wanted to be better at the things that she does so well, so He let us be companions. She is incredible. She is so supportive and so great. I also got called to be the new Trail Center Leader. Sister Belka and I are doing it together. It's like being the Assistants at the TC and being a Zone Leader for President Kunz. It's really cool. I'm so grateful to be able to serve all of these Sisters here. It's amazing the love that is magnified when you are called to serve people. I have had several people say they could see a noticeable change in me because of the mantle that is placed on me to fulfill this calling. It's incredible. It's super stressful because we have to make sure everything is running smoothly at the TC, and we are in charge of trainings every week, there's a lot of meetings involved, but I'm so grateful to be able to serve these Sisters and Senior Couples that I love so much. Also, Sister Rhoades has been INCREDIBLE. She is the epitome of support and love. I am so excited for this transfer. It's going to be amazing. Anyway, back to Wednesday night- We had our last night teaching together. It was bittersweet. I love Sister Hawkes. Yes, I did record that performance as well.
Thursday: We went to transfer point, I met up with Sister Rhoades and said goodbye to so many people that I loved. Then we went to the mission home and I helped President and Sister Kunz make movies for our new Mission President who arrives the end of June. They are just 2 more people that I love that I will have to say goodbye to. Missions are full of that. It's hard, but it's always so good to make such good friends who will last my whole life. After we were done there we were on shift at the Trail Center. They had a departing missionary fireside thing that night. They asked Sister Hawkes and I to perform the song Angels. So we did. After it was over, we ran into the hall and gave each other a big hug, told each other that we loved the other and said goodbye. I was so grateful that we were able to perform one last time. It was such an incredible experience.
Friday: Sister Belka and I spent the whole day working on TC Leader stuff. We made the new schedule for the next 6 weeks and did a lot of logistical stuff. Then there was a youth conference with 250+ youth. They were split into 5 groups and Elder Watson asked Sister Belka and I to be at the Memorial for every single one of the tours and to share the story of Amy Porter. It was incredible because each time was different. The Spirit let us know what each group needed. We learned a lot from that experience. Then, some people that Sis. Hawkes and I tracted into a while back came into the TC so I took them on tour! It was awesome! We'll go back and teach them more!!! Then Sister Belka and I stayed up until past midnight to plan for the next day because were were in charge of New Sister Orientation.
Saturday: We had a great NSO. Sister Rhoades and I finally went out to our area and we taught some great lessons. Then came back and weekly planned.
Sunday: We were in the Trail Center and I got to take some awesome tours. Then we went to church. Then we had dinner at a members house. They both served missions and they were both so on fire, even years after their missions. I was grateful for that. It's so sad to me to see people who served missions and they have lost all of the fire of the gospel. But this family was incredible! It reminded me a lot of this scripture in Alma 5: 26 And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a achange of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the bsong of redeeming love, I would ask, ccan ye feel so now? When we are serving missions we have this incredible opportunity to serve others and to grow in the gospel. We have had a change of heart and we have the sang the song of redeeming love. But the most important part is continually "singing the song of redeeming love." Missions are just a spring board for the rest of our lives. I am so excited to keep serving others when I return home. I am so excited to continue my gospel studies. It is soooo incredible. I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity. Heavenly Father is so good to us.
1-Throwing away cigarettes that we took from one of our less actives. So satisfying.
2-The missionaries from Bellevue 2nd. Sister Hawkes and Elder Reese went home this last transfer. These missionaries have become some of my best friends. I am so grateful for them.
3-Sis. Atkin and I at Transfer Point
4- My new companion Sister Rhoades!
5-The last picture of Sister Hawkes and Sister Proctor. Our next one will either be Jessie and Sister Proctor or Jessie and Martha. Crazy.
It sounds like things are going well at home. I am so excited about the power washer Dad got!!! We got to use one the other day at a members house and I told her how it has been my dream to have one. I can't wait!!!
Well, I've got to write President Kunz now. I love you all. I'm excited for the B-day packages :) Can't wait to hear from you next week. Be good. Read your scriptures. Remember that I love you.
Sister Proctor
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