What a great week this has been! Sister Hawkes and I are having the TIME OF OUR LIVES! It's so great. Here are the highlights from the week:
Monday: We went and taught one of our investigators the law of chastity. She is currently living with her fiance, so we were kind of nervous about it. But, it went so well and she said she would do it because it was right! She's amazing. There is a picture of the two of us attached. We had matching shirts that day. That same night, we went to one of our other investigators house and it was just CRAZY. She is really depressed and she doesn't have food stamps anymore and her kids were driving her crazy (all of which I want to adopt, by the way). And we asked her if she wanted a Priesthood Blessing. She said yes, and so we called the Elders. They were clear down at the other end of the area, without a car. But they said they would call people and find a way up. About 20 minutes later, they showed up. We asked them how they got there and they said they were standing on the corner and then someone drove by and asked if they had a message for him. They said yes. Then he asked if they needed a ride, and they said yes, so he took them up to where we were! In the car they were able to teach him the restoration and they set up a return appointment. 2 amazing miracles that day! The Elders got an awesome new investigator and our investigator got an awesome blessing that totally changed the feel of her home afterwords. I was reminded that night, because of all the things that happened to get the Elders there, that Heavenly Father loves His children. He wants them to have peace, He wants them to be happy. He made it possible so she could feel that through a Priesthood blessing. Amazing.
Tuesday: We had a great day at the Trail Center. I was able to make CDs of our last concert and I will be sending that home to you pretty soon! We are doing another concert this Saturday after the Florence Days parade ( which we totally get to be in!!!!) I am so excited. We have a lot of fun doing all of these concerts.
Wednesday was a phenomenal day! We taught 7 lessons that day!!! It was awesome! We also experienced some of the grossest things of my mission. Remember how I used to watch Hoarders, Clean House and America's dirtiest bathroom and stuff like that? Well, I think I'm being punished for all of that with all the cleaning I offer to people. We were in the projects visiting one of our less actives and we helped her clean since they are having inspections. Her house if FILLED with cockroaches. I cleaned the dishes and there were maggots and roaches everywhere. They were falling from the cupboards. I had to keep reminding myself that Heavenly Father loved this woman, and so did I. I love her more than I hate cockroaches, so I could still do it. But it was DISGUSTING haha. Besides that, the day was amazing! Seriously, we were teaching so much and working our hardest. I love that.
Thursday: We had district meeting and then the Trail Center. Since we weren't even in our area that day we decided not to have any number goals for the day, but we figured we should put something, so we put 1 referral received as a goal. Well, on the way to the TC, a member called us and said they had a friend who wanted the missionary lessons! It was awesome! Even when we thought we couldn't do much that day for our area, Heavenly Father still blessed us according to our faith!
Friday: Friday was awesome. The same investigator who has been living the law of chastity came in and we watched the Testaments at the TC. She loved it. We were all totally bawling at the end. It's so awesome to be able to turn people closer to their Savior! What a wonderful opportunity missionaries have!!!
Saturday: I found out that Steve (Recent Convert from Millard) baptized someone!!! What a cool thing to see people you teach and baptize progress in the gospel! Amazing!!!!
Sunday: We had a great lesson with a new investigator (referral from Thursday). She is 18 years old and has SO MUCH FAITH! She just wants to change and be better. It's awesome, because the gospel will help her do exactly that!
Monday: We got to clean the temple!!! It was so fun. We just dusted everything--- which didn't really feel like we were doing anything, but it was still so cool. And I got to sit and chat with one of the members of the Temple Presidency. It was awesome.
Sister Hawkes and I are seeing a lot of miracles. It's so cool to work with someone when you have the exact same goal and the exact same focus. We already get along, we know each other very well, so we just have to focus on the work. It's phenomenal. I love this. I can't believe that she will be home 1 month from today. I actually really hate that. But, we will just make the most of the time that we do have together!
It sounds like things are going really well back at home! If you are skyping with Jared at 6 maybe we could try for 5? So 6 my time? I will have someone call you to confirm that, because I don't know who has signed up for what at the TC.
Happy Birthday to Hannah and Dad!!!!! That is so exciting! I love you both so much!! I can't believe Hannah will be 8! When is she getting baptized? Also, what does Rachel look like now? haha I haven't seen a picture of her since she was born :)
Well, I am so grateful for all of you. I am so thrilled that I get to be on a mission right now. I can't think of anything better that I could be doing with my time. I love being able to study the scriptures every morning and then to go out and testify of Jesus Christ all day! It's the best!!!!
I love you all so much, and I can't believe I will get to skype with you on Sunday!!! It seems like just yesterday we were skyping at Christmas. Insane. But, I'm still way happy about it :)
Well, Have a wonderful week and I will see you on Sunday!
Sister Proctor
1 comment:
Martha! I have been trying to send your letter! I opened it and tossed the envelope thinking your new address would be on Facebook... I even called your mom... I haven't sent it but I wrote back the same day I got yours!!! I'm sorry I'm a bad friend but I love you and am following your blog!
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