First off, before I forget I have a challenge for all of you! Remember how Jake said that once a month he wanted to have a family lesson thing at Mom and Dad's house on Sunday nights? Well, I want you to do that. But, every Sunday night. Whoever is there. You can even use the scriptures that I send as the subject of my letters. Then discuss it. 10-15 minutes is all it takes. But I know that it will help bring our family even closer together!!!
Also, I STILL don't know if you got my social security card. Is no one else concerned enough to tell me this!? I know you all have smart phones and can email right away, SO PLEASE let me know. For reals. I might go crazy.
OK, sooo. This week was great. It is so stinkin' warm here. I LOVE IT. Today it's supposed to get up to 80 degrees. We plan on spending the rest of our P-day on the deck writing letters and soaking up some sun. Beautiful.
Monday: Our district had a Cinco de Marcho party!!! Everyone loved it and it was SO much fun! After we ate we went and played soccer. President Kunz was there for a minute and he loved it.
Tuesday: We were at the TC and I started feeling really dizzy/lightheaded. So I laid down then I just slept the rest of the night... there wasn't any other news for this day, so sorry it was lame :(
Wednesday: I was sick again. But I read a ton in the Book of Mormon. I have been really studying it rather than just reading it, and I love it so much more. The Book of Mormon is amazing!!!
Thursday: I didn't feel sick, so that was good. They are doing something new at the visitors centers, where when people give us referrals we don't just call and ask if they want missionaries and send them on their way, we stick with them. They become our investigators too. So now I have like 34 new investigators all over the world to keep in contact with and teach over the phone or through texts. It's crazy. Awesome, but crazy. I was able to call a lot of them on Thursday.
Friday: We were weekly planning and then I started feeling dizzy again! what the heck! I laid down for a while and then we were on shift at the TC so I just went to the sick bed again. I was SUPER out of it. I don't know what the deal was.
Saturday: Feeling better, I sang a duet with Sister Pryde of "His Hands" for TC training. People were crying. It was really good. Everyone asked me if I did musical theater in High School. If only. Then that day, I started feeling dizzy again in the middle of a lesson! So annoying! So I went over to our ward mission leaders and he gave me a blessing and I have been fine since. I promise I am eating right and getting enough water and sleep- so that's not why I was feeling dizzy or lightheaded :)
Sunday: Laura's Birthday!!!! Also, we got to go visit our recent convert Michael and his family. I love them and it has been hard not seeing them everyday like we did last week. Also, I think we found the culprit to why I was feeling dizzy. This last two weeks our car has been in the shop (from when Sis. Belka and I ran over the ladder on the freeway), and we have this car that is about to get sold, but it used to be an Elder's car. And apparently they are loser Elders because I don't think it has EVER been cleaned. So we cleaned it out and left the windows open to try and air out the boy smell, but it would still smell musty. Well, on Sunday, Sister Davis checked the glove compartment for something and there was a Book of Mormon in there that was wet.... and had blue fuzzy stuff on it... yes, it was molding. So, we had to wait until we got back home, because it looks bad to see missionaries chucking a Book of Mormon. It was so gross. So maybe the fact that I have been breathing in MOLD for the last week and half is why I was feeling so dizzy, who knows. So gross.
Monday: We had district meeting. We find out transfers tomorrow so it was our last one all together. It was a lot of fun. We went to IHOP :)
1-Cinco de Marcho!!!
2-All of the Sisters at TC training
3- hard to see, but the moldy Book of Mormon
4- drawing of our district this transfer. Yes I am the one with the sombrero
5-My district
6-Me right before we came into the library!
I am glad to hear that my nieces and nephews are feeling better (minus the Christensen boys, but hopefully they are feeling better by now). I am glad that you all had a fun weekend with Laura's Phineas and Ferb birthday. Man, does she ever stop talking about Phineas and Ferb?! What a great theme for her birthday party ;) hahaha.
I am so happy to hear about the changes in (our friend), not that I think he needed changes, I hardly knew him, but that he came back from the mission a changed person! This is exactly what I want!!! Sister Davis and I have been talking a lot about changes that we need to make. I feel in the 6 weeks we have been together we have both grown so much, because we are willing to change! It's amazing what happens when you are willing to change, you change must faster and it's actually enjoyable. The fact of the matter is, Heavenly Father wants to make you better. Don't fight it. Just be the person that He knows you can be. Don't live beneath your privilege!!!
On Thursday I will be done with my 5th transfer and after that I will have 6 1/2 to go. Crazy stuff. I don't think that I will leave Bellevue 2nd, or Sister Davis. So, that's nice. But word on the street is that we will be getting Elders in our ward too! So that is AWESOME! Hopefully, they are good Elders and not ones that have copies of the Book of Mormon molding in their car. But, seriously.
I was reading through my journal before my mission the other day and I read something that I had totally forgotten about! Do you remember when the ball joint thing broke on the van?! (all signs would have pointed to getting rid of the van, but no, it lives on). Anyway, do you also remember this was the time that my car was freaking out and so I couldn't drive it to work? Well, I would have normally driven the van to work, but I was complaining about driving it on the freeway with the crazy steering so I didn't and Jared let me drive his car. What a tender mercy that was!!! We all shuddered at the fact that I could have been driving the van on the freeway when that thing decided to break and who knows what would have happened. This was towards the end of April, after I had received my call, but I was still debating if I really wanted to serve and I was freaking out about leaving all of you. Well, when this happened, and I knew what COULD have happened, I knew that Heavenly Father was watching over me. I knew that He would continue to watch over me on my mission and watch over all of you. So, it made everything OK. Heavenly Father is really great. I love how much He loves all of us. What a great thing.
Anyway, I've got to send my weekly email to my mission president, so I will be off. I love you all and am grateful for the examples you give to me. Thank you for supporting me and making me better. I love you!
Sister Proctor
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