Thanks for the letters and pictures this week. I can't believe that Laura went to Disneyland-AGAIN! This is getting ridiculous! Also, I can't believe it snowed! We still haven't had any snow here and it hasn't even been all that cold. I'm hoping that winter waits to come until January 5. We'll see though :)
1- Guess who came back to visit! Me and Sister Myers! Crazy!
2- AAAND Sister Hawkes! It was so good to see them again. I am so grateful for the friends I have made here
3- I have had a stye on my eye for WEEKS and it's the worst! Luckily, the Doctors at the clinic gave me some prescription eye drops and told me to put heat on it. Those HOT HANDS sure do come in handy :)
This week has been CRAZY
On Tuesday one of the Sisters was super sick and at 8 at night, she decided she needed to go to the hospital (she's dealt with this for a while) and so we called our Mission Mom and she didn't answer, the Watsons were in the temple, and we couldn't get a hold of President. So Sister Arnold and I took her to the ER. First of all, there are a lot of people who go to the ER who do not have EMERGENCIES. We waited 2 hours in the lobby! I was super mad because I just wanted to make sure that she was OK. Then, we finally got in a room and then waited for another 1 1/2 hours. Luckily she was OK and they were able to get her some pain medicine to help her. I turned into a total Momma bear and was ready to freak out if they weren't going to help her. We ended up leaving there at about 130 in the morning. It was nuts. Elder Watson was with us for a little bit in the lobby and he was very proud of the "mother" I was :)
On Wednesday we slept in until 1030 because we were so stinking tired. Then we went and helped a Senior couple set up the printer in their apartment and they took us out to lunch. I love them so much. All of the Senior couples are just SOOO great! Then Elder Watson had me go to the hospital with another sister to try and get her some financial aid- she has rheumatoid arthritis and has to get tested each month. He wanted me to go so I could be her spokesman I guess. It was good and I was very happy to help her out. The rest of the week was pretty good. On Saturday we had the Temple President and His wife come and give us our weekly Trail Center Training. It was PHENOMENAL. They are so great! Then Sister Hawkes and Sister Myers came! It was so fun to spend time with them. I love them so much! Then we spent some time talking with some other sisters and Senior Couples that are having a hard time. I really feel like they are my investigators and I want to take care of them. It's a cool way to do missionary work- as well as still being out in our area and teaching people there.
I feel grateful that Heavenly Father has given me this opportunity to serve the other sisters. I feel like a Relief Society President on steroids or something. Anyway, it's really great and is providing me with a lot of learning experiences and opportunities for growth and service.
So, with this huge increase in missionaries, word on the street is that we are going to get A TON of sisters starting in January. Elder Watson was telling me about this, and then another Senior Elder was asking about when we wanted to go out to dinner as a farewell thing, and for the first time EVER, I felt totally sad and mad that I was going to be going home. I guess I just figured that I would move on with life and things here would remain the same. Although, I am glad that the work is progressing and things are changing, but I just wish I could be there for a part of it. So, here's what I need you all to do-- Remind me of why going home is such a great idea :) Don't get me wrong, I am excited to see all of you and play with you, but right now the thing that is more at the forefront of my mind is being sad to miss out on all the huge changes here. It's been a while since I've gotten a hand-written letter-- and I know that I've been terrible at writing you real letters, but that's because I don't have money for stamps. I know that I'm coming home soon, but I still want to feel remembered HERE. I'm sorry I'm so whiny. It's just hard to be away from your family and then realize that you are going to have to leave the family you have here.
Anyway, I love all of you, and I love this gospel. Thank you for living it. Thank you for being so good to me. Thank you for your love and your support. I love all of you!
Sister Proctor