I decided that instead of a movie quote for each subject line, I could do a scripture that I like that week. Just like Mom always wanted when we were growing up. hahaha. All of your letters were so awesome!!! A new baby and Disneyland pictures! I don't think that can be beat! I love getting your letters and I am so grateful for your support.
This week:
Monday: M officially told us he is getting baptized!!! He is getting baptized this Saturday and I cannot WAIT! His grandpa is flying in from California to baptize him. It is going to be such a special special experience, I cannot wait. I love that little family SO much!
Tuesday: I was especially grateful for the lack of snow this winter. Sometimes it feels like it's almost spring and I cannot wait. I love it. We had some great appointments and we got to have chat as well, so it was a great day.
Wednesday: This was the miracle day. We are teaching this couple who has had missionaries for FIFTEEN YEARS!!! They know everything is true, but they are so afraid of commitment! It was so frustrating! We have basically been having Moroni 18 lessons every time, where it talks about "what have you against being baptized?" Well, this night, we had a great member there who started off the meeting with such a great testimony about the gospel blessing his family. Then the wife of the couple just jumped in and started talking about how she doesn't know why she hasn't been baptized yet. The Spirit was so strong in this lesson, it was amazing. I felt like I was going to burst every time I would teach or testify to them. I felt prompted to share my story about deciding to go on a mission and how things were able to work out. I told them that for years I knew that I had to serve a mission, but that I was hesitant/didn't want to. I told them how I even kept going to school and getting student loans so that I wouldn't have money for a mission (excuses, excuses). However, I eventually thought that it might be a good idea. So then I started praying and telling Heavenly Father that if I had the money, if it some how showed up that I would without a doubt use that money to serve a mission. We all know that didn't work. Then, I shared about what happened on February 24, 2011, when I knew without a doubt that I needed to and wanted to serve a mission. It was then that I prayed to Heavenly Father and told Him that I was going to serve a mission, that I would talk to my parents the next day and that I would start my papers. I told him I had no idea how the finances would work out, but I was leaving it in His hands. The next day, I told Mom and Dad, they reassured me that somehow, the expenses would be taken care of. Then, within the next few weeks, it seemed like every time Dad came home from a family or ward function, there was someone new who said that they wanted to contribute money to my mission. I was able to testify to them the POWER of committing to our Heavenly Father, and so then when I invited them to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized on March 24, they stared at me, and I stared right back, and finally, the husband through His hands in the air and said "Let's do it!" It was amazing!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful for the experiences that Heavenly Father has given me so that I can share them with others. I also want to thank all of you who are supporting me on my mission, for not only changing my life, but the lives of all of those that I get to teach and share that story with. What an amazing thing. All we have to do is show Heavenly Father our faith, and He will grant to us the things that we desire!!!
Also on this day, I hit a deer. haha. It jumped on the hood of the car! It was nuts, but luckily we were only going like 20 mph and it didn't do anything to the car. Or the deer-I think. I kind of just kept going. There was no way I was going to pick it up and put it in the back of the car. We all know what could happen then!
Thursday: This is all that I wrote in my journal: "Do you want to know who is amazing? Heavenly Father. He just knows perfectly how to make all of His children happy, because He LOVES us! I am so grateful for that. I am so glad I followed His plan to come on a mission. I really love what I do and the people that I am surrounded by. "
Friday: I woke up feeling sick, but still exercised, got ready and then about half way through personal study I couldn't keep going. So I just slept. pretty much all day. But Sister Davis was so good and was able to do a lot while I was sick, so that was very great.
Saturday: We were at the Trail Center all day. Sister Bown and I were talking about the changes that we have seen in ourselves because of our missions. I am so grateful for the person I am becoming. I feel closer to my Savior. I feel happier. I feel like I care more about others. What a tender mercy to be able to come on a mission and see other peoples lives change, as well as my own!
Sunday: We had a great Sabbath day. We had 3 investigators at church and then we had dinner with Bishop and Sister Witters (who we live with), and some recent converts. It was such a great day. Being a missionary is the best!
Monday: We were in the Trail Center all day again doing chat and then a TC shift. So, I am doing this thing called the 40 day fast, where you give certain things up or do certain things for 40 days to become a more consecrated missionary. One of the things that I am doing is that I can't complain about chat hahaha. It actually makes it a lot more enjoyable ahhaha, go figure. It was a good day. I am grateful to be a missionary.
1: I had to finally get a picture with one of the Martha St. signs. I go to it every week for district meeting, so I figured I should finally get one. Also, that is my new hair cut.
2: This is just some random text that we got, that I thought was hilarious hahaha.
3: Yesterday morning.
4: As we were walking into the library to write our emails, I saw this on the back of a truck and so I had to take a picture. It reminded me of Dad :)
Rachel Hale Proctor looks adorable! And I'm so glad to hear that Michelle is having another girl! That's so awesome!!! It will be just like I never left since Ella will be the same age as Eve was, and the new baby will be the same age as Ella! Crazy!
I haven't had any fermented duck egg over here, luckily. I did have some oldish fruit cups from the grocery store, that was pretty gross ;) Sorry Jared :)
Our new mission President will be announced in the Church news this weekend. His name is Micheal Weston from Logan, Utah. He looks very nice in his picture :) It will be really hard to say goodbye to President and Sister Kunz though, that's for sure. But I know that he is called by God to come and be the President here in NOM, so that will be a good thing.
I want you all to know how much I love my Savior and this gospel. Even all the crazy people that we talk to that try and tell me otherwise, I know that Heavenly Father is in fact our Father. That He loves us. That Jesus Christ is His Son. That through Him we can return to live with our Father in Heaven. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet today who is a mouthpiece for God. I know that the gospel is the only way that we can true happiness in this life and in the next. I love my family. I am so grateful to have been raised in a family where I could learn the gospel. Where I knew that we would be together forever. What an amazing thing! I love all of you, thank you again for your love and support!!!
Sister Proctor